Flotsam and Jetsam
The big news on the home front is that (1) I recently started the actual drafting of my historical epic, after months of research and planning, and (b) yesterday I passed the Act I turning point and crossed into Act II. Or, rather, my protagonist did. He's holding up pretty well, all things considered, but he's in for it, poor guy.
Also, don't eat trans fats. You may have heard that New York state is considering getting rid of these nasties, which lurk in processed baked goods. The good people at the Weston A. Price Foundation were the first to alert us to their terrible powers, and now the good people in Denmark have banned them. I like good people.
Labels: screenwriting, trans fats
A life without Oreos is not much of a life at all!
Congrats on the script progress. I hope to get back to mine when all of this monkey business is over and done with.
BTW. Nice hat! It's a little big on you.
Merry and Pippin at the gates of Orthanc...which one are you?
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